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Cervical Disorders

What is cervical spondylosis ?

This is a non-specific term that refers to any lesion of the cervical spine of a degenerative nature.

The x-ray changes are present is almost everyone beyond the age of 50 years but they do not produce symptoms in everyone. The most commom symptoms are

  • 1. Axial neck pain,
  • 2. Cervical radiculopathy (tingling in hands and arm) and
  • 3. Cervical myelopathy (numbness in hands and feet)
What is the management ?

The management for axial neck pain is conservative that is medication and exercises. But in case of cervical radiculopathy although conservative measures suffice inmost cases but if they fail surgery is indicated. Cervical myelopathy is usually managed by surgical procedures.

What are the surgical procedures that you offer ?
  • 1. We perform a lot of cervical spine surgeries such as
  • 2. Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
  • 3. Posterior cervical foraminotomy
  • 4. Cervical laminectomy and laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy.
What does it mean that you will operate from the neck when the spine is at the back ?

The Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion is done from the front part of your neck about 4-5 finger breaths below your chin. This is done through this approach to directly reach your involved disc space. The complete disc space cannot be approached from the back of your neck.

Will the scar be visible ?

No the scar will not be visble at all